Places • Olive grove

The olive groves of Dievole: heritage of taste

Dievole has olive trees in Tuscany and throughout Italy. This priceless heritage of genetically unique plants, often handed down throughout the centuries, is the starting point for developing a product line of high-quality extra virgin olive oil with a strong identity. Everything comes from the raw material: without quality olives, an excellent extra virgin oil cannot be produced. For this reason, at Dievole, each olive grove follows precise processing schedules. The goal is to bring to light oils that would otherwise be lost, and to enhance the aromas and flavors of unique oils of extraordinary sensory worth. At harvest time, each production batch has its own ID card, guaranteeing absolute traceability to ensure the full expression of a given territory, whether related to DOP Chianti Classico, the Tuscan IGP or a 100% Italian oil.