The Dievole Wine Resort can be reached along a winding dirt road, rhythmically marked by tall cypresses that for decades have enjoyed in silence an unparalleled panorama, the same that infallibly enchants all the guests of our structure.
Dievole, just 12 km from Siena, dominates this enchanting area from a privileged position, overlooking a large portion of the Chianti Classico hills and the Chianti Mountains, offering a breathtaking view.
But the guests of the Wine Resort are also struck by the charm of its gardens, dotted with centuries-old trees, fragrant plants and flowers, by the elegant architecture of the manor house, built in the 18th century by the noble Malavolti family of Siena and by the other buildings of the small village. , among which the stone and brick church dedicated to San Giovanni Battista stands out.
Located in one of the most beautiful corners of Tuscany, the Dievole Wine Resort offers its refined and discreet hospitality with suites, rooms and apartments, all renovated in the most elegant Tuscan style.
The Dievole Wine Resort also includes the Novecento restaurant, beautiful gardens for an outdoor lunch or breakfast, 2 panoramic swimming pools, a wine shop, a tasting room and a “life path” within the Natural Path, which winds through kilometers among the vineyards, woods and olive groves of the property.
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Soc. Agr. Dievole S.p.A. – Località Dievole 6, 53019 Vagliagli, Siena, ITALIA. – T. +39 0577 322613 – F. +39 0577 322574 – PEC: [email protected] – REA SI-92695 – Società con socio unico soggetta ad attività di direzione e coordinamento di “IAG Toscana S.r.l.” – Codice fiscale e Registro Imprese Siena 00814520136 – VAT IT00800530529 – authorized capital € 17.000.000 i.v. - Codice CIN: IT052006B5JLOHTWOU